Forces existing and new users to read and agree to the forum rules before being able to browse the forums.
Adds a new page that visitors will see as first page whenever visiting your community for the first time.
This page contains a list of forum rules which they will need to agree to. They will need to wait a configurable amount of time before being able to continue to the forums.
Once the time is elapsed, they can continue to the forums and won't be asked to read the rules again.
Version 2.0.1
- To upgrade, overwrite all files, no need to uninstall or deactivate.
- Added strict SQL mode compatibility
forcerules_seconds - numeric: Amount of Seconds to display rules
How long should users wait before being able to agree to the rules? An interactive countdown is displayed on the rules page.
forcerules_rules - textarea: The forum rules.
The actual rules the users need to agree to, HTML allowed.
forcerules_title - text: The title of the rules page.
Customisable title of the forum rules page.
forcerules_button - text: Agree to Rules Button Text
Text of the agree to the rules button, for example I agree to the rules.