Login IP History 1.2.3

Allows users to see a detailed history of their last logged in IPs. Administrators can see the login history of their users. Includes geo-localisation of IP Addresses (city and country).

8 Settings

9 Templates

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Login IP History 1.2.3

This plugin comes with 3 major functions. First of all, next to the sign out button, the last logged in IP is displayed for information.

Secondly, on the user control panel dashboard, a new table appears with the last X login IPs and times.

Finally, a user can click view more, to see a list with even more logs. This means the user control panel dashboard can remain uncluttered, while still providing the functionality of showing more log in IP history.

The plugin is customisable in the sense that the last login IP next to the sign out button can be disabled. The max items to show on the user control panel dashboard is also configurable. While the total amount of logs to keep per user in the database is also configurable.

Includes language file and is fully compatible with multi-language forums.

Change Log

Version 1.2.3
- To upgrade, overwrite all files, no need to uninstall or deactivate.
- Added strict SQL mode compatibility

Version 1.2.2
- To upgrade, overwrite files, uninstall and re-install plugin.
- Bugfix on usergroup rights, selecting no usergroups in admin control panel settings caused unexpected behaviour.

Version 1.2.1
- To upgrade: overwrite all files, no further actions are necessary.
- Added an option to decide which usergroups should have their login history logged into the database.
- Added a template to the uninstaller that was missing for complete uninstallation.

Version 1.2.0
- To upgrade: overwrite all files, no further actions are necessary.
- Added an administrator section, allowing a defined administrator usergroup to view the login history logs of all users.

Version 1.1.0
- To upgrade: overwrite all files, no further actions are necessary.
- Added support for Geolocation API (city + country) shown next to IP addresses</li><li>Added usergroup permissions


lastloginip_admingroups - groupselect: Select Login History Administrator usergroups
Users in these groups will be able to see the login history for <strong>any user</strong>.

lastloginip_max - numeric: How many IP history logs should be kept for each user in the database?
Default is 20, meaning the user can see the history for the last 20 IPs in the full history page.

mywatermark_text_size - numeric: Watermark text size
The size of the text to watermark on the image

lastloginip_usercp_max - numeric: How many IP history logs should be shown on the user control panel dashboard?
Default is 5, meaning the user can see the last 5 IPs and times in the user control panel dashboard, by clicking view all, the above limit will apply.

lastloginip_member_show - yesno: Show last IP in member welcomeblock header, next to log out button?
If yes, the last login IP will be shown next to the sign out button.

lastloginip_iplookup - yesno: Use IP Lookup service from geoplugin.com on full details page?
If yes, the city and country of the IP are displayed on the full history page. Note that you are solely responsible to inform users about the data processing involved, to keep up with the local and international laws.

lastloginip_usergroups - groupselect: Usergroups allowed to see the login history tables in the User Control Panel
Only users from these usergroups will see the history tables in the control panel. Note that this does not affect the last login IP in the header (next to sign out).

lastloginip_logusergroups - groupselect: Usergroups of users which should be logged into the database
Only login history for users from these usergroups will be logged in the database!


usercp_loginhistory: The template for the page will the full history details shown to the user.

usercp_loginhistory_dashboard: The template for the table with history shown in the user control panel section.

usercp_loginhistory_record: The template for a single record in the login history table.

usercp_loginhistory_no_records: The template shown when the user currently has no login records.

usercp_loginhistory_more: The template shown at the bottom of the history table, which adds a view more button on the user control panel dashboard.

header_welcomeblock_member: This template is modified in order to display the last IP to the user next to the sign out button.

usercp_loginhistory_admin: Template shown to administrators to view the login history of other users, selectable.

usercp_loginhistory_admin_warning: Warning shown to administrators when viewing other user's login history logs.

usercp: This template is modified to add the last login history to the user control panel dashboard.

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