My Testimonials 2.0.0

Allows administrators to request testimonials from specific users. A testimonial overview page is available for all users.

2 Settings

6 Templates

My Testimonials 2.0.0

Administrators can request a user to fill in a testimonial. To request a testimonial from a user, go to the user's profile and click the request testimonial button.

On the next visit, the user will see the request testimonial page, with a form. The user can choose to fill it in, or skip this if desired.

Once filled in, the testimonial will show up on the testimonials page. Administrators can manage all the testimonials in the admin control panel.

Want to have the testimonials form available for any user? This is also possible! Use a direct link to ./testimonials.php?action=submit to let any user fill in a testimonial without needing a specifi request first.

Even more, notifications can, be setup in the plugin settings. Whenever a testimonial is filled in, the selected user will receive a private message informing them of the new testimonial which was recently created.


mmb_testimonials_adminug - text: Usergroups allowed to request testimonials from users
Default: 4 (admin usergroup). These usergroups will have a button on the user profiles to request testimonials on the next visit of the specific chosen user.

mmb_testimonials_uid - text: Testimonials PM Notification receiver: User ID
When testimonials are submitted, a notification will be sent to this user as a PM. This can only be one user ID. Leave empty to disable.


mmb_testimonials_form: The template for the form where the user is requested to fill in a testimonial.

mmb_testimonials_member_request: Shown on member profile, a button to request a testimonial from this specific user.

mmb_testimonials_member_requested: Shown on member profile, a text indicating a testimonial has already been requested and cannot be requested until user action.

mmb_testimonials_page: The page showing all the testimonials to all users.

mmb_testimonials_page_entry: A testimonial entry in the testimonials list page.

mmb_testimonials_page_empty: Shown when there are currently no entries in the testimonials list page.