MyBB MailerLite Connector 1.0.0

Integrate MyBB with MailerLite to automatically save new users which consented to receiving emails to your MailerLite mailing list.

4 Settings

0 Templates

MyBB MailerLite Connector 1.0.0

This plugin allows you to connect your MyBB forums to MailerLite automatically. Fill in your MailerLite API key, and subscriber group, the plugin will do the rest.

Whenever a new forum user registers, and selects the checkbox to receive emails (allownotices), the user will be queued to the MailerLite mailing list.

A daily task will run to send the new users to the MailerLite system. This will send their username, and email address to MailerLite. By running this in a task, instead of during registration, we can avoid slowing down the user experience during registration.

MailerLite allows you to send free email newsletters for up to 1000 subscribers. MailerLite also has all the tools needed to easily be GDPR compliant.

When registering through the ModMyBB MailerLite link, you can receive 18 EUR in MailerLite credits.

Settings are made available to choose the user table column which the plugin use for detecting whether a user has consented to receiving emails.

The plugin will import all the existing users who have consented to receiving emails, during its first run. It is also made sure that no duplicates will be imported.


mmb_mailerlite_apikey - text: MailerLite API Key
Your MailerLite account API key (instructions provided when installing plugin).

mmb_mailerlite_group - text: Registration MailerLite subscriber group ID
The MailerLite subscriber group ID which people have to be added into. To find out the ID, go to your subscriber group page in MailerLite, and look at the end of the URL. For example: then the ID is 12345.

mmb_mailerlite_useextrafield - yesno: Use an extra user field to validate the user has consented for emails?
If yes, only users which have this field set to '1' will be registered to MailerLite.

mmb_mailerlite_extrafield - text: Extra field in the database user table, to check for email consent
The column name in the user table, which contains your custom email consent. Value must be equal to '1' for a consented user.