Thread Reports 1.3.0

Allow users to mark threads as working or not working, as well as showing last reported date for info.

4 Settings

7 Templates

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Thread Reports 1.3.0

This plugin will add two new buttons to all threads from chosen forums. A report as working and report as not working button will appear.

Users can then use these buttons to report the thread either as working or not working. Once clicked, the data is automatically updated without requiring a page refresh.

Users will then see a status on the post itself, noting that the thread was either reported as working, not working or both.

Next to this report status, a last reported date is shown, allowing the users to understand whether the last not working report is possibly outdated.

The plugin can be setup to choose which forums are allowed to have this functionality, as well as which usergroups can use and see the reports.

Includes language files and is fully compatible with multi-language forums.

Change Log

Version 1.3.0
- To Update: Uninstall the plugin, overwrite the files and reinstall the plugin. The reports data will be kept, but you will have to re-configure a few plugin settings.
- Added a reset thread reports button only shown to the administrators
- The thread reports plugin administrators group can be customised (it is a setting)

Version 1.2.0
- To Update: Uninstall the plugin, overwrite the files and reinstall the plugin. The reports data will be kept, but you will have to re-configure the plugin settings.
- Added option to allow original thread posters to vote for their own thread
- Improved deactivation routine of the plugin to avoid template issues

Version 1.1.0
- To Update: Uninstall the plugin, overwrite the files and reinstall the plugin. The reports data will be kept, but you will have to re-configure the plugin settings.
- New logic: the original post author cannot vote for their own post
- Updated ajax workings so that the first time a user presses the working/not working button, they immediately see the update happening if the update was successful, without having to reload their page.
- Added language capability to templates which previously couldn't have translations
- Two new templates: mmb_threadreports_results_notworking_hidden, mmb_threadreports_results_working_hidden which will take care of the ajax workings whenever a vote has not yet been cast for a specific post


mmb_threadreports_usergroups - groupselect: Usergroups allowed to use the report thread as working/not working functionality.
The users in these usergroups will have access to the report thread as working/not working buttons.

mmb_threadreports_forums - forumselect: In which forums should the report as working/not working buttons show up?
Other forums will not have the buttons appear, no matter the usergroup.

mmb_threadreports_self - yesno: Is the original poster of the thread allowed to vote on their own thread?
If yes, they will be allowed to vote on their own thread.

mmb_threadreports_admin_groups - groupselect: Administrator usergroups
These users will be able to reset thread reports for threads


mmb_threadreports_postbit_working: The template for the button to report a post as working, can be fully customised.

mmb_threadreports_postbit_notworking: The template for the button to report a post as not working, can be fully customised.

mmb_threadreports_results_working: The voting results shown on the thread, marking the post as working, with a last reported date.

mmb_threadreports_results_notworking: The voting results shown on the thread, marking the post as not working, with a last reported date.

postbit: Updates to include both the voting buttons and the results of whether the thread is working or not.

postbit_classic: Updates to include both the voting buttons and the results of whether the thread is working or not.

showthread: Updated to include custom ajax javascript code and styles necessary on show thread.

Easy to install

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