Thread Templates 2.0.0

Allows creating of pre-filled thread templates for specific forums, users will see the message tempalte filled in when creating a new thread.

2 Settings

0 Templates

Thread Templates 2.0.0

When a user creates a new thread, the message box is usually empty. With this plug-in, you can provide a default text for new threads.

The default text can be configured on a forum-bases in the admin control panel, while still supporting MyCodes.

This is a very helpful in forums where users are expected to follow a specific posting pattern, or forums where users are supposed to fill in a kind of form.


threadtemplates_forum - forumselect: In which forum should the thread template be set?
Users making a new thread in this forum will see the thread template. Note that this setting is per thread template, max one thread template per forum can be set up.

threadtemplates_text - text: Thread template for this forum
This is the text which will be prefilled in the new thread for this forum, this supports MyCode. Max one thread template per forum can be set up.